
Boosting Professionalism and Safety with SKYVISITOR on LMC’s Visitor Management

Written by Safetynet Solutions | Jul 17, 2024 9:19:15 AM


London Management Centre (LMC), an internationally recognised training organisation established in 1995, offers cutting-edge short courses in Leadership, Strategy, Management, and HR. Accredited by the British Accreditation Council, CMI, ILM, ISO, and others, LMC welcomed over 2,000 leaders and aspiring managers from 27 countries and over 150 global organisations in 2023. 

LMC receives a diverse range of visitors daily, including high-level executives, managers, and HR professionals attending various training sessions. On average, the Centre accommodates around 50-100 visitors each day. 

Challenges Leading to Visitor Management System Implementation: 

Security Concerns 

The manual system made it difficult to track who was entering and leaving the premises, posing potential security risks. Ensuring that only authorised individuals were granted access was a significant challenge. 

Time-Consuming Processes 

The traditional visitor sign-in process was slow and inefficient, often leading to long wait times and congestion at the reception area. This was inconvenient for both visitors and staff. 

Inaccurate Records 

Manually maintained visitor logs were prone to errors, making it difficult to maintain accurate records of visitors. This was problematic for both security auditing and operational management. 

Emergency Preparedness 

In the event of an emergency, quickly accounting for all visitors on-site was challenging. The lack of a real-time system made it hard to ensure everyone’s safety promptly. 

Data Privacy and Compliance 

Managing visitor data manually posed challenges in complying with data privacy regulations. Ensuring that visitor information was handled securely and confidentially was a critical concern. 

Professional Image 

The manual process did not align with the Centre's professional image and the high standards expected by clients and partners. A more sophisticated system was needed to present a modern and efficient front. 

The selection process for a new visitor management system  

London Management Centre (LMC) began by conducting an internal assessment to identify specific needs and challenges, focusing on security, efficient check-in processes, data privacy compliance, and maintaining a professional image. 

LMC then researched various visitor management systems by reviewing features, user feedback, and industry recommendations, creating a shortlist of potential systems. The shortlisted systems were evaluated based on ease of use, security capabilities, integration with existing systems, customisation options, real-time reporting, and emergency management functionalities. 

Demonstrations and trial periods were arranged for the top systems, allowing LMC to assess practical functionality, user-friendliness, and overall efficiency. Cost analysis was also performed, considering both initial and ongoing expenses, to evaluate the return on investment. 

Staff input was sought to ensure the chosen system would be practical and well-received. SKYVISITOR stood out for its intuitive interface, reducing training time and ensuring smooth implementation. Its robust security features, such as real-time visitor tracking, photo capture, and ID card printing, enhanced LMC’s ability to monitor and control access. 

Additionally, SKYVISITOR offered customisable options to tailor the system to LMC’s needs, including branding and adaptable check-in processes. It integrated seamlessly with LMC’s existing systems, such as the new MS Dynamics database, ensuring smooth operation without extensive modifications. 

Scheduled to launch in June 2024, SKYVISITOR was designed with strong data privacy measures to comply with regulations and safeguard visitor information. It also provided real-time reporting and analytics, enabling LMC to monitor visitor trends, manage capacity, and improve operational efficiency 

Implementation Process of SKYVISITOR at London Management Centre 

The process began with initial contact between London Management Centre (LMC) and the SKYVISITOR sales team. During this phase, SKYVISITOR provided an overview of their system, highlighting key features and benefits. 

SKYVISITOR's team conducted a detailed needs assessment with LMC to understand specific requirements, challenges, and goals for the visitor management system. 

A live demonstration of SKYVISITOR was arranged to showcase its features in action. This demo was crucial for LMC to see how the system would function in their specific environment. 

After the demonstration, SKYVISITOR provided a tailored proposal, including pricing, customisation options, and a detailed implementation plan. This proposal addressed LMC's specific needs and offered various customisation options to ensure the system fit seamlessly into their operations. 

After reviewing the proposal and conducting internal discussions, LMC decided to move forward with SKYVISITOR. The contract was signed, formalising the agreement and outlining the terms of service, including support and maintenance. 

Implementation Process:   

1. Planning and Preparation:

Following the contract signing, a project plan was developed in collaboration with SKYVISITOR's implementation team. This plan included timelines, milestones, and key deliverables. LMC's IT and administrative staff were involved in this phase to ensure a smooth transition.

2. System Configuration and Customisation:   

   SKYVISITOR's team worked on configuring the system according to LMC's specific requirements. This included setting up user accounts and customising visitor check-in processes and branding elements. 

3. Training Sessions:   

   Training sessions were conducted for LMC staff to familiarise them with the new system. These sessions included hands-on training, videos, and support materials to ensure all users were comfortable with the system’s functionalities. 

4. Pilot Testing:   

   Before full deployment, a pilot test was conducted to identify any potential issues and ensure the system operated smoothly. Feedback from this phase was used to make final adjustments.

5. Go-Live:   

   After successful pilot testing and final adjustments, the system went live. SKYVISITOR's team provided on-site support during the initial days of operation to assist with any immediate issues and ensure a seamless transition.  

6.  Post-Implementation Support:   

   Continuous support was provided post-implementation to address any questions or technical issues and to help optimise the system’s use over time. 

The entire process from the decision to implement SKYVISITOR to going live took approximately eight weeks. This included the initial sales process, detailed needs assessment, system configuration, training, pilot testing, and final deployment. 

Integration and System Compatibility 

To maintain a professional image and consistent branding, SKYVISITOR was customised to reflect the Centre’s branding. This included incorporating the Centre’s logo, colour scheme, and branding elements into the visitor check-in interface and printed visitor badges. 

The check-in process was customised to include specific questions and fields relevant to the Centre’s operational needs. This ensured that all necessary visitor information was captured efficiently during the check-in process. 

SKYVISITOR was tailored to provide advanced reporting and analytics capabilities, allowing the Centre to generate customised reports. These reports included detailed visitor logs and other metrics essential for operational planning. 

Given the Centre’s need to comply with data privacy regulations, SKYVISITOR was customised to include specific data handling protocols. This ensured that visitor data was collected, stored, and managed in compliance with relevant privacy laws. 

User Experience and Efficiency 

Visitors now enjoy a quick and efficient check-in process using self-service kiosks or tablets. The intuitive interface allows visitors to sign in with ease, reducing wait times and minimising congestion at the reception area. 

With the pre-registration feature, visitors can input their details and receive a QR code before their visit. Upon arrival, they simply scan the QR code to check in, further expediting the process. 

The system automatically prints customised visitor badges with their name, photo, and the purpose of their visit. This not only enhances security but also makes visitors feel welcomed and acknowledged. 

The system allows the reception staff to receive real-time notifications when visitors arrive, enabling a personalised greeting and prompt service. This adds a touch of professionalism and attentiveness to the visitor experience. 

The check-out process is as straightforward as the check-in. Visitors can easily sign out using the same self-service kiosks or tablets, ensuring accurate records of their visit duration and departure time. 


Feedback from the team 

“The modern and efficient visitor management system creates a positive first impression, reflecting our commitment to professionalism and technological advancement. 

 The automated processes reduce the workload on the reception staff, allowing them to focus more on personalised interactions and other essential tasks. 

The Centre can access real-time data on visitor movements, which helps in managing visitor flow and enhancing security protocols. This data is also valuable for making informed decisions about operational improvements. 

In case of emergencies, the system provides an accurate, real-time list of all visitors currently on-site, ensuring their safety and allowing for efficient emergency response.” 



Future Outlook     

A major enhancement we are looking forward to is the integration of SKYVISITOR with our forthcoming MS Dynamics system. This API integration will allow seamless data flow between the visitor management system and our broader organisational software. This means visitor information can be automatically synced with our internal databases, ensuring up-to-date records and eliminating the need for manual data entry. This integration will also facilitate more comprehensive reporting and analytics, combining visitor data with other organisational metrics for deeper insights and better decision-making. 


Technology in visitor management at London Management Centre (LMC) is set to significantly enhance security, efficiency, and the overall visitor experience. Key areas of development include: 

  • Enhanced Visitor Experience with mobile integration. Expanding mobile use for pre-registration, check-in, and navigation, providing real-time updates, personalised notifications, and interactive maps. 
  • Efficiency and automation by optimising visitor flow, managing peak times, and providing continuous improvement insights.  
  • Automated compliance and data management ensuring privacy regulation adherence and streamlining visitor information handling.  
  • Real-time analytics and reporting with enhanced data analytics, offering deeper insights into visitor behaviour and trends for data-driven decision-making. 
  • Predictive Analytics. Forecasting visitor numbers to prepare for peak times.  
  • Improved sustainability and eco-friendliness with paperless systems by reducing waste and promoting eco-friendly practices. Lowering carbon footprint and operational costs. 


In conclusion, technology will continue to drive improvements in security, efficiency, personalisation, and sustainability in visitor management at LMC. By embracing these advancements, LMC aims to enhance the visitor experience and maintain its leadership in professional training.